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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

Ninja Craps Pro

Ninja Craps Pro




If you feel a little intimidated by all of this “web stuff,” you’re not alone, and I do know how you feel; I was there once myself, and it was only a little more than 4 years ago.

Back then I would go to a web site and get so lost I would have to quit and start all over. Things have changed a lot since then as designers have gotten better at providing information and the ability to move around a web site easily.

We want you to have a pleasant experience on this web site and NOT get lost. We want you to find the answers you are looking for, not what we think you need to know.  If you don’t find your answers here, please let us know by using the  contact us form.  Be sure to pass on any suggestions you may have.  This site is for YOU, not us!

Ok, enough introduction.  Let me tell you a few things to help you as you move around on our web site.

First, on the left side of the screen you will ALWAYS have the main menu column available on each and every page you visit. These items (Home, The Coach, Classes, Schedule ... etc.) are the major pages within our web site, and you can always click on one of these links to move to another page or back to a previous “major” page.  Most of the pages are this way but there are a few pages that can “link” to other pages that are not listed on the menu column.  This would apply to some second and third level pages that are executed based on your actions.  For example, if you decide to pass this site's link on to a friend, you'll get to a thank you page after entering a friend's email address.  However, all of the second and third level pages will contain the same menu on the left side.

These pages are few in number and we believe you will find them self-explanatory. If not, we’ve added a small question mark (?) on each page in the page header line. It’s the mustard colored line on this page and the (?) is on the right side. If you click on the (?) a small help window will open up and provide detail about  the current page you are on. This help is available on each and every page on this site.

Next to this (?) mark you will also see a shopping cart. Clicking on this icon will show you what you have in your shopping cart at any given time, and it is from this page that you will eventually check out after signing up for one of our classes.

Have you ever noticed that everyone in a casino seems to be in a hurry? Are they in a hurry to win, or a hurry to lose? - From Wit & wisdom To Help You Win, by by John Gollehon -

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