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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

Ninja Craps Pro

Ninja Craps Pro


    DICE SETTING CLASS                          



Regular Cost:  $249.00*

Participants in this class should be very familiar with the Craps layout, bet placement, odds, box number bets and the difference between pass line and come bets.  This class is for the more advanced player who is familiar with the game of casino Craps.


This is a 2-hour, interactive class that is held in the Dice Coach's Craps Pit on a regulation-size Craps table. It will include a brief overview of the Craps table layout, betting strategies and player comps.

The emphasis of this class will be the detailed discussion of dice control based on setting of the dice, using specific dice grips and controlled throws.  

This class will focus on your specific toss with the Dice Coach analyzing your toss and suggesting adjustments to help you improve your ability to avoid the seven.  You will be given the opportunity to try a few different grips and table positions, and find a grip and table position  that is comfortable for you and one which will give you a better chance to become a consistent winner.

Class Outline

Introduction and overview of class
Dice control using dice sets, dice grips and rhythm tosses
Demonstration of various dice grips
Practice various grips and selection of personal grip
Analysis of your grip by the Dice Coach
Demonstration of dice sets - pros & cons
Practice quickly setting the dice
Recognizing other dice setters at the Craps table
Virtual Casino Session -The class will culminate with a simulated casino session (time permitting) where everyone will have the opportunity to bet and toss the dice under the supervision of the Dice Coach and his assistant coaches.

What You Get
After you have signed up, you will be sent an email confirming your registration in the class of your choice and the date and time of your class.  

If you have any questions about this, or any other class, please call us at: 


*For transportation take UBER or LYFT

100% Money back guarantee if not fully satisfied.
Winning at the craps table begins with good money management.

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