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12' Craps Table

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Crescent School of Gaming and Bartending

Ninja Craps Pro

Ninja Craps Pro


    ONE-ON-ONE CLASS                          



From:  $295.00 to $1595.00

There are NO PREREQUISITES for this class.  You pay your money and you get the Dice Coach one-on-one, no one else.  If you want personalized time and instruction, this is the class for you!


These classes range from a 2-hour one-on-one to a day and a half one-on-one.  All classes are interactive classes that begin in the Dice Coach's Craps Pit on a regulation-size Craps table. They all include live sessions in Las Vegas casinos.

The Dice Coach is at your disposal for this time period, and, based on your level of knowledge and skills, you and the Dice Coach will spend the first few minutes of class defining how to best utilize your class time.

As part of these class periods at least 2 live casino sessions will be available where the Dice Coach will accompany you to a casino where you will both play.

The class Outline contains items that are available and may be part of your own personal session with the Dice Coach.

Class Outline

Determination of knowledge and skill level
Personalized class defined
Analysis of your dice grip & dice throw
Recommendations and practice
Dice sets discussions
Betting strategies
Money management
Live in-casino session
Casino session analysis & recommendations
Modifications, refinements and Craps Pit practice
Video taping of your refined dice set, dice grip and toss (optional)
Live in-casino session(s)
Some meals are included depending the one-on-one option you choose
Verbal analysis & recommendations
Session conclusion

To schedule your own personalized class with the Dice Coach please call us at 702-610-5617                                                 

*For transportation take UBER or LYFT

100% Money back guarantee if not fully satisfied.

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. - Milton Berle -

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